November 28, 2010
laugh out loud!
I was a bit irritated about stupid things (again!), when my friend asked me to come to this traveling carnival that was happening in the neighborhood. Although I grew up in the states, I've never been to one of these carnivals before. So I was pretty excited at first but it was one of those night where you were "eh.... I don't know if I want to go out..." I was reluctant to go out but I'm really glad I did. From eye patched duckies to cops on segways, everything was really funny to me that night. It was a short and quick visit to the carnival but we ended up going on these rides and laughed our lungs out. I think I needed it. It was kinda similar to after karaoke feel...if you know what I mean.
November 26, 2010
original "TRON"
I hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving!
I finally get to see the original "TRON" yesterday.
It is so rad! I can't believe it was made in 1982! It is away ahead of it's time.
The set design, concept and it's style is not dated at all. I was blown away. Loved the film so much, I'm kinda scared to see the sequel now; however the sequel "TRON: legacy" trailer looks fatabulous! Although this is Joseph Koniski's directorial debut, with his "Halo3" credit, I'm sure it's going to be visually amazing! I just hope it's going to succeed in it's story telling as well. Can't wait!!
Leniが今一番観たいのは、ナタリー・ポートマン主演の"Black Swan"と12月公開の"TRON: legacy".
1982年に作られた作品とは思えない先見の明と完成度の高さ!セットデザイン、コンセプトも素晴らしくスタイリッシュで、とにかくスゴかった!しかも今回の続編"TRON: legacy"はジョセフ・コシンスキーの初監督作品って言うからビックリ!IMAXシアターでトレーラー観たときも感動したけど、オリジナルを見たら、あまりにも期待度が上がってしまって続編を観るのがちょっと恐いくらい。でも、この監督、Halo3のトレーラーを監督したことでも有名だから、すごくクールなビジュアル作品が出来ていることでしょう。楽しみすぎ~!
November 22, 2010
Zoom In!! Super
For those of you in Japan!
明日!23日(火曜日)日本テレビ 「ズームイン!!SUPER」 【一部地域を除く 月~金 5:20~8:00】
海外のshowbizを扱った"Showbiz Planet"というコーナーにレポーターとしてLeniが出演します~。
エンタメは7:30くらいから~。Please watch ne!
November 20, 2010

以前、ズームイン!!SUPERの"Showbiz Planet"コーナーでインタビューさせていただいた、ファッションコメンテーターのアーニャさんと一緒に。ETやInsiderなどこちらのテレビでファッションコメンテーターとして活躍しているアニャーさんは、他にもセレブのスタイリストなど13個ものお仕事をこなしているとか!最近ではShoedazzle というサイトを立ち上げたり、とにかくオシャレでパワフルな素敵なキャリアウーマン。
この日はBlake Livelyが着てSold outになったという、Balenciagaのワンピにvan cleef & arpelsの二連のネックレス(これがまたかわいいの!)、それにChristian Louboutinのヒール。
I interviewed a fashion commentator and celebrity stylist Ms.Anya Sarre for "Zoom In!! Super" the other day. She is not only a fashionista but sweet, gorgeous and powerful business woman! She has got this amazing thing going with Shoedazzle and many more!
She was wearing this balanciaga dress with van cleef & arpels necklaces (so cute!! I want them!) and Christian Louboutin heels. So chic yet effortless!
November 18, 2010
spooky pooky!
Rah rah ah ah ah
Roma roma ma
Gaga ooh la la
Want your bad romance?
I was kind of waiting to get some more pictures from my friends and lost my timing to post this.
How was your Halloween? I hope you had fun. I know I did!!
Love Love Love....I want your love,November 12, 2010
behind the scene photos from "If there was a zombie apocalypse
Behind the scene photos from "If there was a zombie apocalypse" by Steven A. Soria!!!
Steven is super talented!! He is a director, photographer, cinematographer and writer.
I can't wait to work with him for our gas lighting project which we have been talking about a year?! Yea, let's shoot it already!
先週撮影が終わったショートフィルム、"If there was a zombie apocalypse"から届いたスチルフォト。
この写真を撮ったDPのSteven A Soriaはディレクター、フォトグラファー、シネマトグラファー、ライターまですべてをこなす素晴らしい才能の持ち主。。(今回の作品では撮影監督のみ)
しかも、すごく性格がよくて、ユーモアのセンスもある。一緒に暖めている作品があるのだけど、もうかれこれ一年くらい経つ・・・。Steven! もう、さっさと撮影しようよ!
it's official!
So did you notice something different about my blog?
I finally have an official header and an awesome signature! Thanks to my dear friend Shawn Freeman for being so patient and making these designs come to life!
I hope you all like my little blog "Leni x Leni".
I finally have an official header and an awesome signature! Thanks to my dear friend Shawn Freeman for being so patient and making these designs come to life!
I'm so happy how these turned out! Thanks again, Shawn for all the hard work and I'm looking forward to spread those new business cards as soon as they are ready!
I hope you all like my little blog "Leni x Leni".
November 7, 2010
shopping therapy
A few weeks ago, I was so frustrated over little stupid things and I said to myself "I have to go shopping!"So I did. I found these vintage like Betsey Johnson bow ring, earrings and Juicy Couture rings!
By the way the Juicy Couture ring says "Love myself " and also "Better than you." Hahaha.
It was worth an hour of therapy session!
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