今夜は満月はいつもの満月とはちょっと違って、18年ぶりに地球と月の距離が最も短くなることからExtreme SuperMoonと呼ばれるそうです。このエキストリーム•スーパームーンがもたらす重力によって起こる、災害などを心配する声もありますが、それよりも東日本大震災で被災された方々のためにみんなで一緒に祈りましょう。
March 19, 2011
Extreme SuperMoon
今夜は満月はいつもの満月とはちょっと違って、18年ぶりに地球と月の距離が最も短くなることからExtreme SuperMoonと呼ばれるそうです。このエキストリーム•スーパームーンがもたらす重力によって起こる、災害などを心配する声もありますが、それよりも東日本大震災で被災された方々のためにみんなで一緒に祈りましょう。
March 17, 2011
興味のある方は2/3 and 3/3も見てみてください。
March 12, 2011
Japan Earthquake
昨日のFox 11 Ten O'clock newsで東北地方太平洋沖地震の映像を見ながら、涙が止まりませんでした。
Streaming Video by Ustream.TV
I was watching Fox 11 Ten O'clock new last night about Japan Earthquake and I couldn't stop crying. My friends and family are getting back to me through Emails. Thankfully they are all safe but my heart aches when I read about what they went through. I want to share a line that was said by a friend of mine.
"All cell phones and landlines weren't going through yesterday and the mankind who lost the civilizations, we were all so fragile..."
Being so far away from my own country, I can only watch and send my prayers and I fee so powerless. Stories told by a blond anchor sound so foreign to me. It almost feels like watching big Hollywood movies. Also just yesterday, California was under a tsunami warning spawned by the massive earthquake in Japan but to see those people who went by the beaches in their bathing suits waiting to see something interesting to happen. It was so embarrassing to see their ignorance.
You can also see the latest news streaming at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nhk-gtv
For those of you who are going through this right now, my condolences go out to you.
I pray for the fastest recovery.
March 11, 2011
Magnitude 8.9
Magnitude 8.9 hit Japan. I've been calling my family and friends there but they won't go through. I'm really worried about you all. Especially my sister who lives in a such a tall building.
My prayers are with you.
March 8, 2011
Oscar 2011
Pix from Oscar!! It was so much fun but is it just me? It feels like a long long time ago. I don't know why :P Fashion stylist Anya Sarre also got to make an appearance in her amazing pink dress and turquoise jewelry!! I want that ring....!!
アカデミー賞のときの写真〜!あのレッドカーペットに居るだけでテンション上がる♪とっても貴重な経験でした。Showbizでお馴染み、アーニャさんもエンディングでゲスト出演〜。この日アーニャさんがつけていたターコイズとダイヤの指輪、素敵すぎる。....ほ、欲しい ><
PS They shut down the Hollywood Blvd for the Oscars. Doesn't this picture remind you a bit like "28 days later"? (One of my favorite movie :)
おまけ この日のために、Hollywood Blvdを閉め切るんだけど、なんかこの閑散とした感じがちょっと映画「28日後」みたいじゃない?ダニー•ボイル監督のLeniの大好きな作品の一つ :)
アカデミー賞のときの写真〜!あのレッドカーペットに居るだけでテンション上がる♪とっても貴重な経験でした。Showbizでお馴染み、アーニャさんもエンディングでゲスト出演〜。この日アーニャさんがつけていたターコイズとダイヤの指輪、素敵すぎる。....ほ、欲しい ><
PS They shut down the Hollywood Blvd for the Oscars. Doesn't this picture remind you a bit like "28 days later"? (One of my favorite movie :)
おまけ この日のために、Hollywood Blvdを閉め切るんだけど、なんかこの閑散とした感じがちょっと映画「28日後」みたいじゃない?ダニー•ボイル監督のLeniの大好きな作品の一つ :)
March 7, 2011
good morning♪
Lately I'm into making pancakes using Aloha Sunset Hawaiian Pancake mix, chocolate coconut flavor! I don't really like coconut flavor but this one is quite nice with a hint of chocolate. They also have apple cinnamon and banana flavors. I also don't really like cinnamon but maybe I will give it a try next time.
I love♥ baking pancakes, muffins and croque-mouches in the morning. I actually don't feel ready or complete if I miss breakfast. In fact, breakfast may be one of my favorite meal of the day. What's urs?
Have a wonderful week, everybody!
最近ハマってる、Aloha Sunset Hawaiian Pancake mixのchocolate coconut味。ココナッツって結構苦手なんだけど、このパンケーキミックスはチョコレートとの相性◎。他にもアップルシナモンとバナナ味があるの。アップルシナモンも、シナモンがあまり得意じゃないのだけれど今度トライしてみようかな。Leniは以外と朝食抜くと落ち着かないタイプ。時間があるときは、朝から自分でパンケーキ、マフィン、クロックドムッシュとか作ったりするよ。もしかしたら食事の中で一番楽しみにしてるのは朝食かもしれない。みんなは、どう?
Have a wonderful week, everybody!
March 4, 2011
Hi there! How are you? Yesterday, March 3rd is celebrated as the Girl's day or the Festivals of Dolls in Japan. People display these elegant dolls in traditional costumes. I also have these magnificent dolls in Japan but didn't bring them to LA. So I've decided to display these pretty little gifts I got from Zoom-in!! Super producer who flu in from Tokyo a few days earlier. She always gives me nice and very thoughtful gifts. Thank you!! Even these boxes alone, they are so delicate and well made. It makes me happy just looking at them :)
Hi みんな!元気?早いもので、もう3月!! 昨日はひな祭りでしたね。LAの家に、おひなさまはないので、その代わりに数日前に東京から来ていた、ズームイン!!SUPERのプロデューサーさんからいただいた素敵なギフトを飾らせてもらいました♪ 彼女からいただくものって毎回とっても素敵なものばかりで、そのさりげない心遣いが本当にうれしいの。ありがとうございます♥ 本当に日本の物って繊細で美しくて、見てるだけでウットリしちゃう :)
March 3, 2011
Last Saturday right before the Oscars, I had an amazing opportunity to visit SPANX BUS at the Beverly Hilton Hotel! Thanks to Anya Sarre and her lovely assistant Erica, it was an event you didn't want to miss! I've always wanted to know more about the SPANX and now that they are out with their bra-cha-cha, I said to myself "I have to get on that bus!!!" It was my pleasure meeting every single one of you at the event. You were all so nice! Also thank you very much for amazing tights, on top and in control and Bra-llelujah! I'm already a huge fan of Bra-llelujah, it is so comfortable!
For those of you who don't know about the SPANX but want to look like those celebrities on the red carpet, please go check out SPANX at http://www.spanx.com/home/index.jsp
All of their products give you an instant slimming effect and perfect seamless line!
ちょうどオスカー前日の先週土曜日、ビバリーヒルトンホテルで行われたSPANX BUSに乗って来たよ〜!アーニャさん&アシスタントのエリカちゃん、thank you!!
SPANXと言えば、セレブのレッドカーペットにはかかせない秘密兵器として知られていて、Jessica AlbaやGwyneth Paltrowなど多くのセレブがファンを公言してるんだよ。
この日は新作のストラップレスブラbra-cha-chaや水着などの展示会&SPANX BUSにも乗れて、タイツやBra-llelujahなど沢山プレゼントもいただいてしまいました。Thank you SPANX!
For those of you who don't know about the SPANX but want to look like those celebrities on the red carpet, please go check out SPANX at http://www.spanx.com/home/index.jsp
All of their products give you an instant slimming effect and perfect seamless line!
ちょうどオスカー前日の先週土曜日、ビバリーヒルトンホテルで行われたSPANX BUSに乗って来たよ〜!アーニャさん&アシスタントのエリカちゃん、thank you!!
SPANXと言えば、セレブのレッドカーペットにはかかせない秘密兵器として知られていて、Jessica AlbaやGwyneth Paltrowなど多くのセレブがファンを公言してるんだよ。
この日は新作のストラップレスブラbra-cha-chaや水着などの展示会&SPANX BUSにも乗れて、タイツやBra-llelujahなど沢山プレゼントもいただいてしまいました。Thank you SPANX!
March 1, 2011
Best dress from Oscar 2011
Despite what many critics are saying about this year's Oscars, I loved and enjoyed it very much. Here are my personal favorite dresses!
No.1 Jennifer Lawrence
This dress may remind you a little bit like that "Bay watch" bathing suit but I think she made a huge statement on the Oscar's red carpet! You have to be young and fresh to pull this off.
I loved her transformation from "Winter's bone" plain look to glamed up for the Oscars. She is definitely on the people's "Watch out" list.
No.2 Mila Kunis
This Elie Saab dress is probably my personal favorite! The color may not be perfect for the Oscars but love the little peekaboo bra look. It's so girly and dreamy. LOVE IT ♥
No.3 Scarlett Johansson
I love love back of this dress! It is so romantic and sexy. I think beautiful back is the sexiest thing rather than showing your cleavage or legs. Again this color may not be the best color for this occasion. I wish it was in bright red or sexy black.
No.4 Amy Adams
She just had a baby and I think this look is very appropriate for her. It's not revealing too much skin but has a sexy slit on the back. I also love this metallic navy on her.
No.5 Cate Blanchett
I know, I know. Not everybody agrees with me on this dress. This is a Givenchy dress off from the runway. I just think it's not the look anyone can pull off. I love Cate Blanchett for her intelligence, elegance and her confidence. Her edginess and confidence make this dress work!
Here is a little info I leaned from fashion stylist Anya Sarre. Beige, champagne and metallic colors are the big trend this season but wear a bright color if you wanted to make a statement!
Also I didn't know until I went to the Oscar's red carpet this year but I think the color of the carpet is slightly purple than a regular red carpet!
No.1 Jennifer Lawrence
ちょっぴり、テレビ「ベイウォッチ」の水着のようにも見えるけれど、若くてフレッシュな彼女だからこそ着こなせるドレス。今年は映画"Winter's Bone"でもノミネートされて、これからの活躍が本当に楽しみな彼女。
No.2 Mila Kunis
No.3 Scarlett Johansson
No.4 Amy Adams
No.5 Cate Blanchett
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