Tulips from my garden.
o.m.g. It is so hot in LA for the past could of days. Although we don't really have "Spring" here, it feels like we skipped Spring and jumped into Summer time!
P.S. I got my bag stolen the other day and lost my camera as well. :*(
So my post will be limited but please bear with me.
ここのところLAでは熱い日が続いてる。Los Angelesでは、あんまり「春」を感じないけど、春どころか、これじゃもうSummer time!って感じ。
P.S. 実はこの間、バッグを盗まれて、カメラも一緒に取られちゃったの(泣)
なので、しばらくあんまり写真をアップできないかも :(