June 2, 2011

Master Cleanse Day ⑩ -Final day-

Today is the last day of my cleanse! In the past posts, I said I've done Master Cleanse twice but I never actually did all 10 days. For both times, I've done it for about 7 or 8 days and went back to eating again. This time, I made all 10 days and followed the instruction properly.
Now that I'm almost done with this process, I appreciate the importance and power of food even more. To be able to enjoy food is just so amazing!

今日がマスタークレンズ最終日!過去のブログで今までに2回ほどマスタークレンズをやった、って書いたけれど実はどちらも7日か8日でやめちゃってるの。だから、今回10日やりきれて感無量。ヽ( ´  ∇  ` )ノ ♪

PS お庭で育ててるトマト(桃太郎!)が初めて実をつけたよん♥