今日オンラインでオーダーしたビキニが届いた。そしてワークアウトまでした。けど、チョコレートはやめられそうにないね〜。やめる気もサラサラないけど。 とにかく食べたいものがたくさん〜♪
Because of the Master Cleanse, this blog is sort of becoming a health & food blog lately...
My post master cleanse is finally over. I can actually eat regular food from today. Yet I still had a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice and a banana for breakfast. I made a chicken porridge for lunch. Vegetable soup and spring rolls for dinner. I also ate some sweets. It's been 14 days since I had my last chocolate. It was SO GOOD~!!! I just got new bikini in mail and even worked out today but I don't think I can give up chocolate! I'm not willing to give up chocolate anyway. Now that I'm out of cleanse, there is so much I want to eat!!!