October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween゚・:*:・。♪☆彡^・★

Happy Halloween everybody...!!! Hope you are all enjoying spooky Halloween night★ I've been wanting to go check out Tim Burton Art Exhibit at LACMA and finally made it today on the very last day. I know this show was sold out in NY and I made an attempt to go last week but it was already sold out then but today we were lucky enough to make it! It was so perfect to spend my afternoon on Halloween day :) I just had a wig on for the show but night is still young, I should be getting ready for a fun night! 

October 16, 2011


My friend Shawn Freeman recently opened his art gallery Starchariot. Please check out the new website and his upcoming show on October 29th.

October 15, 2011

iPhone 4s.....!

昨日、帰宅してすぐにupsのお兄さんが二人掛かりで届けてくれたよ〜!(♡´◡`♡) 超うれしい!! だって、だって、実はこの新しいiPhoneが来るまで一番最初のiPhone使ってたの。2Gのやつ!iPhone3Gsが出た頃は「まだいいか。」と思ってたんだけど、iPhone 4が出たときはバグが出てたし、iPhone5発売の噂が耐えなかったから。明らかにタイミング逃した感はあったけど、その間に水には落とすわ、落としまくるわ、それはもうとっても、とってもがんばってくれた前のmy iPhone. どうもありがとう&お疲れさま ღ˘◡˘ற❤.。oO ☺♥

As soon as I got home yesterday, two guys from UPS brought me my long awaiting new iPhone....!! I'm super excited..!!! You know why I'm so excited? Because believe it or not, I've been using the very first iPhone. Yes! the 2G one..! When the iPhone 3Gs came out, I was like "I guess I will wait for the new one to come out." Then when iPhone 4 came out they had a few problems and so many rumors of iPhone 5 soon to be out etc etc and I kinda lost my timing. Meanwhile those of you who reads my blog know that I dropped my iphone in the water back in June. Also dropped it on the ground countless times. It held up and worked really hard for me. Thank you!

What's really exciting about this new iPhone 4s so far is the "Siri."  It is truly amazing! You can actually talk to her and she understands you! I've always thought it would be very convenient if someone can write a text for me while you are driving. This does that! It is freakn' awesome....!!!

このiPhone 4sでとにかく素晴らしいのはやっぱり"Siri" ちゃんと話しかけたら答えてくれるし、とっても便利!いつも車の運転中に誰かがメールを打ってくれるようなアプリができたらとっても便利なのに、って思っての。"Siri"はそれをしてくれるし、それだけけじゃなくて、検索も、スケジュール管理も、明日の天気だって教えてくれる。本当にすごいよ〜♪

October 12, 2011


と言ったものの、今日のLAはなんと34℃と真夏なみ!でも先日、ビバリーヒルズでオーディションを終えて大好きなSprinkles Cupcakesへ立ち寄ったときのこと。新しい味、Pumpkingが出てたので買ってみたら、かわいいおばけがついてた〜ヽ(● ´ ー ` ●)/ もうすぐハローウィン♪みんなは何になるか、もう決めた?

You can start to see signs of fall little bit here and there but have I mention today's LA is 94°F today ? It's almost like summer all over again! About a few days ago, as I finished my audition I stopped by at my favorite sweet place Sprinkles Cupcakes :) They had a new flavor called pumpkin that came with cute ghost on the frosting. Halloween is coming real soon. Have you decided what you are going to be this Halloween yet?

October 9, 2011

past few weeks...

has been pretty busy but in a really good way :)
I finally settled in at my new place and ready for a fall now.

While I was awaiting on new iPhone to come out, I heard the sad new of Steve Jobs passing. May rest in peace, Steve. If you haven't seen Steve Jobs amazing speech at Stanford University in 2005, you definitely should. It's a speech you want to be reminded everyday.

We are all expecting iPhone5 to be debut but instead it was iPhone4s.
My friend told me maybe new iPhone4s, "s" stands for Steven's "s" :)
Maybe it is ;-)


新しいiPhoneが発売するのを心待ちにしているところにアップルの設立者の一人、Steve Jobsの訃報が入る。ご冥福をお祈りします。まだSteve JobsのStanford大学でのスピーチを聞いたことのない人は、ぜひ聞いてみてください。毎日リマインドされたいような素晴らしいスピーチです。

かわいい話。きっとそうかもしれないね。ღ˘◡˘ற❤.。oO ☺♥