As soon as I got home yesterday, two guys from UPS brought me my long awaiting new iPhone....!! I'm super excited..!!! You know why I'm so excited? Because believe it or not, I've been using the very first iPhone. Yes! the 2G one..! When the iPhone 3Gs came out, I was like "I guess I will wait for the new one to come out." Then when iPhone 4 came out they had a few problems and so many rumors of iPhone 5 soon to be out etc etc and I kinda lost my timing. Meanwhile those of you who reads my blog know that I dropped my iphone in the water back in June. Also dropped it on the ground countless times. It held up and worked really hard for me. Thank you!
What's really exciting about this new iPhone 4s so far is the "Siri." It is truly amazing! You can actually talk to her and she understands you! I've always thought it would be very convenient if someone can write a text for me while you are driving. This does that! It is freakn' awesome....!!!
このiPhone 4sでとにかく素晴らしいのはやっぱり"Siri" ちゃんと話しかけたら答えてくれるし、とっても便利!いつも車の運転中に誰かがメールを打ってくれるようなアプリができたらとっても便利なのに、って思っての。"Siri"はそれをしてくれるし、それだけけじゃなくて、検索も、スケジュール管理も、明日の天気だって教えてくれる。本当にすごいよ〜♪