June 27, 2011

Magical night ☆彡

I went to see Cibo Matto and YMO perform @ Hollywood Bowl last night! It was sooooo much fun♪ I had a blast!  Cibo Matto was cute, YMO was AMAZING!!! and special guest Yoko ONO was pure awesomeness....!!!

昨日はHollywood Bowlにて、Cibo MottoとYMOを観に行って来たよ〜!すごく楽しかった〜♪せっかくだし、みんなきっとイカれた格好して行くだろうと思って、お友達と浴衣着ていったけど、みんな結構普通だった。。。YMOも世代的にあまり知らなかった(坂本龍一さんが居るってことだけしか知らなかった)けど、すごくカッコよくてファンになっちゃった!Cibo Mattoもキュートだったけど、一番素敵だったのはヨーコ•オノ!She is freakn★ AWESOME!! 存在自体がかわいすぎる。なんかもっと自由でもいいんだな〜、と思ったmagical nightだったよ。
I wish you were there....!
Peace ♥

June 24, 2011

勝手に親ばか -Kotora特集-

携帯を落とした事件があって、ちゃんと写真とかも管理しておかなきゃ!と必死に整理してたら、我が家のコトラのlovely pixが出て来た!出て来た!
というわけで、今回は勝手に我が家のトラちん特集〜。ヽ(  ´  ∇  `  )ノ ♪

うちに来たときは、まだ手のひらに乗るくらいの大きさだったけど、あっという間に大きくなって、Leniパパには「大トラ」と呼ばれてるTora. 早いもので、もう3歳半。
本当に絶えず悪さをしてたトラも最近は随分落ち着いた。アフロになったり、ママにhot dogやハチのコスチューム着せられたり。。。Leniにとって本当にかわいい、大切な存在です。
Love you ♥


June 18, 2011

"X-Men: First Class"

I went to see "X-Men: First Class" about two weeks ago but I was caught up on dropping my phone and all, I forgot to post this.
Watching "X-Men: first class" made me realize how great James McAvoy is all over again. He was recently taking an absence from work because of his first baby. I think he is one of the best actor in his generation. For those of you who have never seen him act, you should go see "Atonement", "The Last King of Scotland", "Wanted", "Penelope" and basically everything! Some movies he did before he made it big in Hollywood such as "Rory O'Shea Was Here" and "Starter for 10" are awesome too!  Even in comic book based movie, he is so committed and has such depth as Charles Xavier. The film was well done by Matthew Vaughn but I think James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender totally saved the movie! Whenever they are not in the scene, you just want to see more of them! If you still haven't seen the movie, it is worth watching it!

二週間くらい前に"X-Men: First Class"( 邦題は「X-Men: ファーストジェネレーション」)を観に行って来たんだけど、iPhone落としたりと色々バタバタしててアップするの忘れてた。
この映画を見て、改めてJames McAvoyの魅力を再認識。とにかく最高!!ヽ(´▽`)ノ 第一子が生まれたばかりで、つい最近まで休業してたJames McAvoy. このジェネレーションの中でも、最も素晴らしい演技力を持った役者さんの一人だと思う。まだJames McAvoyの演技を観たことがないって言う人は「つぐない」、「ラストキングオブスコットランド」、「ウォンテッド」、「ペネロピ」、、、基本的すべて観て損はないよ!今みたいにハリウッドで成功する前の作品ですら素晴らしい演技してるよ!とにかく、今回 "X-Men: First Class"を観て思ったのは、James McAvoyが出てるとシーンが締まるし、原作がコミックの今回のような作品でもきちんと役に入り込んで、さらにそのキャラクターとしての深みが出せる役者さんだということ。他のアクターとの差があまりにもありすぎて、彼が出演してないと少しダレちゃうけど、James McAvoyとMichael Fassbenderのシーンはすべて素晴らしいし、映画としてもMatthew Vaughnが監督だけあって全体的にとってもうまくまとまってます。まだ観てない人は観る価値アリだよ!

June 16, 2011


• すぐに電源を入れようとする。
• 水を出そうと、携帯を振ること。

。・゚゚・(>_<;)・゚゚・。 Leniの携帯カバーもしてないし、これはもう絶対にダメだな。。。と思ったそのとき、"Rice bag trick"とか言うのがあって、この方法でiPhoneを復活させた人がかなり居ることを知る。さっそくSIMカードを取り出し、お米を入れたジップロックバッグにiPhoneを入れて1日半放置。この間、携帯ナシの生活ってどれだけ不安で困難か。だって、何かあったときに高速おりて公衆電話探せって?! そんなの無理です〜(X_X)
それでも、そのRice bag効果あって昨日LeniのiPhoneなんと、見事に復活!素敵すぎる!!

June 14, 2011

ヽ((◎д◎ ))ゝOMG!

I just dropped my iPhone in water......!!!
ちょっと前にiphoneを水の中に落とした.....!!! ガッカリ....

June 8, 2011


ん〜、気分を切り替えて、キャスティングに行ってきます!Wish me luck!

Hmmmm......An overcast morning and I'm not feeling so fantabulous. Maybe because I had little too much to drink last night? There are people in the world who gives you energy and there are people who rub you the wrong way. I'm feeling homesick today for some reason. I miss Tokyo. (ノ_・。)
>< ............ I better suck it up and head out for the casting!!! Wish me luck!

June 6, 2011

Post Master Cleanse - Day ④

今日オンラインでオーダーしたビキニが届いた。そしてワークアウトまでした。けど、チョコレートはやめられそうにないね〜。やめる気もサラサラないけど。 とにかく食べたいものがたくさん〜♪

Because of the Master Cleanse, this blog is sort of becoming a health & food blog lately...
My post master cleanse is finally over. I can actually eat regular food from today. Yet I still had a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice and a banana for breakfast. I made a chicken porridge for lunch. Vegetable soup and spring rolls for dinner. I also ate some sweets. It's been 14 days since I had my last chocolate. It was SO GOOD~!!! I just got new bikini in mail and even worked out today but I don't think I can give up chocolate! I'm not willing to give up chocolate anyway. Now that I'm out of cleanse, there is so much I want to eat!!!

June 4, 2011

Post Master Cleanse - Day ②

My Master Cleanse is finally over~!!! Yay!!
But what's really important is "ease-out process," post cleanse routines to follow.
I wasn't suppose to have some soup 'till my Day ② but I did on my 1st day to recover. I also wasn't suppose to put any meat broth but I did....and now I'm not feeling so well.
I don't want to go back to drinking lemonade again and schedule wise it is impossible to do.  So I think I will re-make my soup from scratch.
I was sooo looking forward to go have these amazing pancakes at Griddle Cafe on Sunday with my friend but maybe I might have to postponed that 'till Next Sunday :(

Heading out to an audition now and make some soup! Wish me luck★

でも一番大切なのはここから。"ease-out process"と言って、断食状態からゆっくりと復食していかなければいけなくて、復食1日目は絞り立てのオレンジジュースのみ。
二日目からはスープを飲んでいいんだけど、ちょっとズルして昨日からスープをちょっとだけ飲んじゃった。そしたらちょっと具合悪いヾ(´ε`;)ゝ 。。。
今週の日曜はGriddle Cafeでお友達とパンケーキbreakfastの約束してたんだけど、来週まで延期かな〜。これを励みにがんばってたんだけどな〜。・゚゚・(>_<;)・゚゚・。

Wish me luck ☆彡

June 2, 2011

Master Cleanse Day ⑩ -Final day-

Today is the last day of my cleanse! In the past posts, I said I've done Master Cleanse twice but I never actually did all 10 days. For both times, I've done it for about 7 or 8 days and went back to eating again. This time, I made all 10 days and followed the instruction properly.
Now that I'm almost done with this process, I appreciate the importance and power of food even more. To be able to enjoy food is just so amazing!

今日がマスタークレンズ最終日!過去のブログで今までに2回ほどマスタークレンズをやった、って書いたけれど実はどちらも7日か8日でやめちゃってるの。だから、今回10日やりきれて感無量。ヽ( ´  ∇  ` )ノ ♪

PS お庭で育ててるトマト(桃太郎!)が初めて実をつけたよん♥

June 1, 2011

Master Cleanse Day ⑨

Happy JUNE everybody! My cleanse is ALMOST done! Yeah!! (I think it gets long from here tho.)
It's funny. Yesterday when I was walking Tora, I found this lemon on the ground and I made great lemonade out of it this morning♪ 
As I was putting my make up on today to get my drivers licence renewed, I noticed how my make up sits so well on my skin. Maybe because I slept well but I'm usually impervious to any differences after using new lotion, cream or whatever. So I think it's a good sign!
Things at DMV went so smoothly and great news are coming in! I'm really excited what June has in store for me :)

Have a wonderful day everyone!