April 13, 2011

Jamie Oliver's "FOOD REVOLUTION" Season2


Jamie Oliver's "FOOD REVOLUTION" Season 2 just premiered last night on ABC.  I watched Season 1 and Season 2 is set right here in LA. I hope more people watch this and get some new perspective.

日本でも"Naked Chef"(裸のシェフ)で人気を博して知っている人も多いと思う、ジェイミー•オリバー。イギリス出身の彼が食の大切さ、アメリカ人の食事に対する意識を変えようと奮闘する、"FOOD REVOLUTION"という番組。昨日からシーズン2が始まった。今回の舞台はここロサンゼルス。ハンバーガーやホットドッグなど、ジャンクフードの発祥地とも言えるLAでどこまで人の意識を変えられるのか。できるだけ多くのひとに見てもらいたい。

April 9, 2011


So many friends have told me to watch "MAD MEN" for a while now but I never did until yesterday. Now I'm totally hooked! All the characters and story lines are great! Not to mention the sexiness of Don Draper played by Jon Hamm!!!

ずいぶん前から沢山の友達からテレビ"Mad men"を見るように勧められてて、昨日やっと見た。そしてハマった〜!ストーリーラインもキャラクターもすごく良くできてるし、なんと言ってもDon Draper役のジョン•ハムがとってもセクシー。オススメです♪

April 5, 2011

Spring...no it's more like Summer time!

Tulips from my garden.

o.m.g.  It is so hot in LA for the past could of days.  Although we don't really have "Spring" here, it feels like we skipped Spring and jumped into Summer time!

P.S. I got my bag stolen the other day and lost my camera as well. :*( 
So my post will be limited but please bear with me.

ここのところLAでは熱い日が続いてる。Los Angelesでは、あんまり「春」を感じないけど、春どころか、これじゃもうSummer time!って感じ。

P.S. 実はこの間、バッグを盗まれて、カメラも一緒に取られちゃったの(泣)
なので、しばらくあんまり写真をアップできないかも :(

April 1, 2011

Peace begins with a smile :)

I bought a sheet of Mother Teresa stamp at the post office. In hopes to spread her love and a smile :)

"Peace begins with a smile."
"Don't wait for leaders. Do it alone, person to person."
"The world needs all of us to pray and start loving others."


Sorry. I haven't been posting on my blog lately. It's been 21 days since the Japan earthquake. Japanese friends around me are putting together charity events and fundraisers to help our country. I get all these invites to charities and fundraising events almost everyday. From friends to random people in restaurants,  once they find out I'm Japanese, they send their prayers to Japan. I won't be able to attend all the events but I made some donations and contributed to some fundraising events and my question is.....What can I do now?
Be thankful everyday and live every moment of my life.