February 9, 2011

♥Sprinkles Cupcakes♥

先日ズームイン!!SUPERの"Showbiz Planet"でレポートした、"Sprinkles Cupcakes"
Beverly Hillsにあるこちらのお店はとっても人気で、小さな店内はいつもたくさんのお客さんでにぎわってます。トム・クルーズやジェイク・ギレンホール、レオナルド・ディカプリオなどセレブが買いにくることでも有名。スポンジがしっとりしていて、上のフロスティーもとっても上品な甘さで、クセになるおいしさ♪

This Cupcake store that we did a segment on Japanese morning news  "Zoom in!! Super" called "Sprincles Cupcakes"!
I've heard of them before but never been to the store before. I tried their No.1 seller "Red Velvet" , Valentine special cupcake and Chocolate Marshmallow and they were all SUPER good!!!
Sponge is so moist and frosty is so creamy. I wish the store was closer to my house! So I can go there every morning!


There are cupcakes for dogs too! They are made by yogurt and honey. $2.50.
I asked if I can get one for my lovely Tora and the manager was nice enough to give him one. Thank you!
Tora "Dude....how long do I have to wait?"
ちょっぴり早いけど、Happy Valentine's Day!

My lovely breakfast.
It's a bit early but Happy Valentine's Day everyone!