May 31, 2011

Master Cleanse Day ⑧

It feels like a week ago since I wrote my last post but I've made it to Day ⑧. My sleep is getting deeper and seems like my skin tone is a bit lighter too. I'm also productive and getting things done. I don't have any cravings but I can't wait to have that first spoon full of fresh porridge or vegetable soup!!! *drool* ><

Day⑥のブログを書いてから、もう一週間くらい経ったような気がするけど、どうにかDay ⑧にたどり着いたど〜!睡眠はとっても深いし、気のせいかお肌も1トーン明るくなった気がする。 特に「これが食べたい〜」とか「コーヒー飲みたい><」的な欲求もない。むしろ活動的!ただ、マスタークレンズを終えて食べる一口目のお粥なり、野菜スープを想像すると。。。☆:*・゚(●´∀`●)ホェ:*・゚ ま、待てない。

PS Anyone who is interested in doing this Master Cleanse, I recommend you read "The Master Cleanser" by Stanley Burroughs!