October 12, 2011


と言ったものの、今日のLAはなんと34℃と真夏なみ!でも先日、ビバリーヒルズでオーディションを終えて大好きなSprinkles Cupcakesへ立ち寄ったときのこと。新しい味、Pumpkingが出てたので買ってみたら、かわいいおばけがついてた〜ヽ(● ´ ー ` ●)/ もうすぐハローウィン♪みんなは何になるか、もう決めた?

You can start to see signs of fall little bit here and there but have I mention today's LA is 94°F today ? It's almost like summer all over again! About a few days ago, as I finished my audition I stopped by at my favorite sweet place Sprinkles Cupcakes :) They had a new flavor called pumpkin that came with cute ghost on the frosting. Halloween is coming real soon. Have you decided what you are going to be this Halloween yet?