May 13, 2012

"BATTLESHIP" LA Premiere @ NOKIA theater

hair & makeup, styled by Mikako Ono.
ヘアメイク、着付け by 小野美佳子

5 more days and counting 'till to the opening of "BATTLESHIP" in the U.S.
I wore this beautiful vintage kimono to the LA Premiere of "BATTLESHIP" at NOKIA theater.
Mikako actually flew in from Japan just for this Premiere.
Thanks to Mikako, even chairman of Universal Studios, 
Donna spotted me on the carpet and gave me a compliment.
So thank you, Mikako!!

おかげさまでプレミアではUniversal Studioのチェアーマンである、ドナさん他沢山の方から声をかけてもらったり、
美佳子さん、thank you SO much...!!!