March 4, 2011


Hi there! How are you? Yesterday, March 3rd is celebrated as the Girl's day or the Festivals of Dolls in Japan. People display these elegant dolls in traditional costumes. I also have these magnificent dolls in Japan but didn't bring them to LA. So I've decided to display these pretty little gifts I got from Zoom-in!! Super producer who flu in from Tokyo a few days earlier. She always gives me nice and very thoughtful gifts. Thank you!! Even these boxes alone, they are so delicate and well made. It makes me happy just looking at them :)
Hi みんな!元気?早いもので、もう3月!! 昨日はひな祭りでしたね。LAの家に、おひなさまはないので、その代わりに数日前に東京から来ていた、ズームイン!!SUPERのプロデューサーさんからいただいた素敵なギフトを飾らせてもらいました♪ 彼女からいただくものって毎回とっても素敵なものばかりで、そのさりげない心遣いが本当にうれしいの。ありがとうございます♥ 本当に日本の物って繊細で美しくて、見てるだけでウットリしちゃう :)