March 3, 2011


Last Saturday right before the Oscars, I had an amazing opportunity to visit SPANX BUS at the Beverly Hilton Hotel! Thanks to Anya Sarre and her lovely assistant Erica, it was an event you didn't want to miss! I've always wanted to know more about the SPANX and now that they are out with their bra-cha-cha, I said to myself "I have to get on that bus!!!" It was my pleasure meeting every single one of you at the event. You were all so nice! Also thank you very much for amazing tights, on top and in control and Bra-llelujah! I'm already a huge fan of Bra-llelujah, it is so comfortable!
For those of you who don't know about the SPANX but want to look like those celebrities on the red carpet, please go check out  SPANX at
All of their products give you an instant slimming effect and perfect seamless line!

ちょうどオスカー前日の先週土曜日、ビバリーヒルトンホテルで行われたSPANX BUSに乗って来たよ〜!アーニャさん&アシスタントのエリカちゃん、thank you!!
SPANXと言えば、セレブのレッドカーペットにはかかせない秘密兵器として知られていて、Jessica AlbaやGwyneth Paltrowなど多くのセレブがファンを公言してるんだよ。
この日は新作のストラップレスブラbra-cha-chaや水着などの展示会&SPANX BUSにも乗れて、タイツやBra-llelujahなど沢山プレゼントもいただいてしまいました。Thank you SPANX!